Saturday 28 March 2015

Palm Cove

Palm Cove

On Friday we had a barbecue at Palm Cove which was arranged by a friend of my partner to welcome some visitors from Fukushima, Japan. Palm cove is always so beautiful I couldn't resist making a quick sketch. There I enjoy how each coconut palm has its own distinctive character shaped by its experience growing within an environment. I realise of course every living is like that but in my opinion it is particularly evident with the old coconut. I hope you enjoy this.

Above: 'Coconut palm', 18cm x 26cm, ink, watercolour on 300gsm rough cotton rag paper.

Work in progress.

Some work in progress.

Recently I have been working almost feverishly. But rather than just concentrating on one thing at a time like I usually do I have been working on several things at once and all so doing lots of experiments and studies for work due later in the year. The result is a lot of activity and little to show for it, nevertheless I thought I would at least share some of that activity now.

Left: My desk,  Right: work in progress 'Yukika', 25cm x 41cm, oil on panel.

Above is my desk, a mess of course, and one of the pieces I am working on. With this work I hope to achieve a balance between a sudden concentration of resolved imagery and loose descriptive line. Though I do find it difficult to put in to words what I want achieve I hope that statement give some sense of my thoughts.

Above: 'Water study number. 2', 35cm x 45cm Oil, gold alloy leaf on canvas,
The above work is an experimental study I have done with a later work in mind. I feel it is so important to remember that a painting is not just a expression of a concept or indeed an image it is all so a physical object. Thus I am very interested combining various surfaces, techniques and textures together so to enhance the artworks physical presents. I all so like layers, veils that can partially obscure the content of the painting, this interrupts the ease at which an artwork can be read and so the viewer is therefore required to engage with the work for longer if they want to understand it. I think this work really demonstrates this, however I found artworks like this don't necessarily translate well in to photographs, but I would rather have my work look better in life than as a photograph!

Above: Work in progress: 'Nude in repose' 25cm x 45cm, Acrylic and oil on panel,

This is begins of a another painting I have been working on. You may recognise the image from a drawing from a earlier post. Again here I am using a number a different techniques and mediums together.

Left: Botanical master drawing 'Phragmipedium Schroderae', Right: Phragmipedium Schroderae bloom,

I love beautiful plants and have always been something of a keen gardener. I have this orchid out at the moment and couldn't resist drawing it, I will definitely do a finished watercolour from this but I was suddenly struck by other possible uses for these drawings, but for now there is plenty of projects I must see the fruition first! 
I have plenty more to share at a later date and I do hope you enjoyed this.