Friday 22 April 2016

Sturt's Desert Pea

The Sturt's desert pea (Swainsona formosa) is a very distinctive Australian native wildflower that occurs naturally as the name suggests in the desert regions. And from the age of four it has possessed a vivid place in my imagination there is all so a rather beautiful/tragic Aboriginal legend associated with it. Indeed one of the great achievements in my life has been to succeed in growing and flowering a Sturt's Pea here in the wet tropics, I only wish I had the photos to show you all but chip they are stored in is in Japan, alas! The acrylic study below is something I did for my own pleasure, we have rather dark corner in the house and I thought I might do large decorative work to not only fill the space but though the reflected light of gold-alloy leaf all so brighten it. However it appears that we will have to move in the not too distant future so I have decided to hang fire doing a larger work.
As you can see from comparing the two images here the depiction in my painting is strongly stylised and I decided to used a very steep perspective a cue I have taken from medieval tapestries and all so Ukiyo-e prints. But I find myself in a strange position, to be I am not sure whether I like the results or not. Perhaps if I continued to develop this style further I will be satisfied eventually or maybe this will prove to be a one off adventure!  

Above: Sturt's desert pea, Acrylic and gold-alloy leaf on canvas, 30.5 x 35.5cm 

Post Script:

By lucky hap I send a photo via Email of my Sturt's desert pea to my Mother, so I thought I would share it with you now,

As always yours truly,

David Goebel.

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